Monday, October 27, 2008

Magick Monday

On a Magick Monday, how can resist posting this lovely photo. It's where my mind and imagination is at the moment. I have had this story spinning in my head for about eight years now. It is crying to get out. The reason I haven't written it yet? I knew I wasn't ready. I just feel there is so much to learn about this industry and writing its self that I have held off. Well, the time is at hand. While I finish up this last project I have been working on, I am going to start developing some of the notes I have taken. This is definately an epic story with lots of fun detail and it has to be just right. Think LOTR meets Lady Hawke. I only hope I can do it justice.

The last couple of weeks have been so busy that I just haven't been around. I'm sorry if anyone is a regular here and expected more. I just didn't have it in me. But, now I'm back and have my feet under me.

Have a Magick Monday!


1 comment:

Shelley Munro said...

That is a lovely photo. I know what you mean about worrying if you can do a story justice. I'm sure you'll do well though. Happy writing!