Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Great News!!

I just signed a new contract with Liquid Silver Books for the first book in a new trilogy titled, Sterling Moon: Enchanted. I'm so happy I can barely contain myself!!

Here is the blurb:

Dalton Adams is working to achieve his doctorate in animal wildlife and zoology. His thesis paper, on the subject of the difficulty of wolves replenishing themselves in the northern Cascade Mountains, leads him to a cozy lodge nestled in the Cascade Mountains. His long, and out of season, reservation will allow him to be close to his source of information, while allowing him the freedom to shift from man to wolf. But, his plans are all altered by a twist of fate.

Faye Dillon finds her world forever changed when her guest arrives. She is attracted to the dark, shaggy haired man with piercing blue eyes. There is an instant, unnamed connection between them. She gets more than she bargains for when the Alpha steps into her life.

Okay, now I'm off to work on the second book! :)


Sherrill Quinn said...

Congratulations!! That's great news!

Colleen Love said...

Thank you so much, Sherrill! :)